Many patients have to live with missing teeth, and this can deeply affect their day-to-day activities and oral abilities. We invite you to learn more about tooth replacement options, such as dental implants, to help you regain a full smile.
Dental studies show that the first impression you make typically involves your smile, and if you like to smile but are worried about showing areas of missing teeth, we encourage you to speak with Dr. Deborah Blanchard about receiving dental care!
There is no reason that you should have to deal with missing teeth now that modern dentist has offered so many options to replace tooth loss and enhance your smile. Our dentist and team are happy to perform an examination of your smile and assess your individual needs so that we can help you determine which option is best for your smile.
Many patients find that receiving dental implants is the ideal solution for their tooth loss because these custom dental restorations are attached directly to the jawbone and, therefore, can offer a lifetime of wear. If you are looking for a high-quality tooth prosthetic that looks and feels natural in your smile, you may find that dental implants are right for you because they can perform and appear just like the rest of your teeth!
To learn more about dental implants in Virginia Beach, Virginia, we invite you to contact Bay Colony Dentistry at 757-321-1300 to schedule your custom consultation. Your new smile awaits, and we are excited to help you get there!